In an unexpected twist, the infamous Corrupted Blood Incident from World of Warcraft seems to have made a comeback in the game’s Season of Discovery realms. Players have been sharing clips of the chaos caused by this virtual plague, with some finding humor in the situation, while others worry about the potential impact on Hardcore realms.
Originally, back in September 2005, the Corrupted Blood Incident began after the release of Patch 1.7: Rise of the Blood God. In this 20-player Zul’Gurub raid, players took on Hakkar the Soulflayer, who was worshiped by the Gurubashi trolls. Fast forward to Phase 5 of Season of Discovery in September 2024, and Zul’Gurub reappeared. The spell in question, Corrupted Blood, spread its damage over time to anyone too close to an infected player. Typically, the fallout was manageable with strong healing from classes like Priests or Paladins.
In the aftermath of the Zul’Gurub release, chaos reigned for nearly a month as Corrupted Blood ravaged players and accessible pets, creating chaos across World of Warcraft’s landscape. A Reddit user, Lightstruckx, captured the melee in a video showcasing Corrupted Blood rampant within Stormwind City’s Trade District. With quick thinking, they used Priest spells such as Flash Heal and Power Word: Shield to survive the rapid devastation. The clip mirrors memories of the 2005 incident, where “pet bombs” perpetuated the spread of Corrupted Blood until Blizzard managed to control the outbreak.
In the latest developments, some gamers have voiced concerns over the persistent Corrupted Blood debuff in the Season of Discovery realms, fearing it might be used strategically in Hardcore realms. Unlike Discovery realms, World of Warcraft: Classic Hardcore introduces perma-death, meaning characters would have to restart should they meet an untimely end.
Even after fixing previous iterations of the debuff, the legacy of the Corrupted Blood Incident remains fresh in players’ minds. With Season of Discovery’s seventh phase on the horizon, slated for early 2025, players are left wondering when Blizzard will address this revived issue.
World of Warcraft continues to be a monumental force in the MMORPG world, having captivated players for nearly two decades. Known for its massive impact and financial success, it remains a dominant player in the genre with widely beloved multiplayer experiences. Whether playing on a PC or through cross-platform capabilities, the game’s allure shows no signs of waning. As Blizzard continues to develop and evolve, its community eagerly anticipates how these tales of digital contagion will be handled.