Since Christmas Eve, Ayaneo has been sharing plenty of exciting details about its upcoming Ayaneo 3 handheld device. The biggest announcement so far is that it will feature swappable control modules, a feature promising unmatched customization for handheld gaming. While this idea isn’t entirely new—similar concepts have been seen in the Victrix Pro BFG controller—bringing it to the handheld market, especially with the addition of durable hall-effect sensors on analog sticks and triggers, is genuinely refreshing.
Ayaneo has been actively teasing fans with sneak peeks of the Ayaneo 3 through social media platforms like Twitter and Discord. They’ve also released a video showcasing different angles and control modules of the device. Back in November, we discussed that the Ayaneo 3 would be available with Ryzen AI 9 HX 370 and Ryzen 7 8840U configurations. Unfortunately, we’re still in the dark about the pricing and deeper technical specifications, beyond knowing about the APU and screen options—LCD and OLED. However, more details should emerge around January, as they are planning an official launch event for “Late January 2025.”
What’s fascinating is that not only can the control modules be swapped out, but they can also be inverted or even have individual buttons changed. This ultra-modular design makes the Ayaneo 3 adaptable for virtually any game genre that supports a controller. For instance, fans of six-button fighters like Street Fighter, or those who love retro Sega console games, will appreciate the six-button face module. Meanwhile, modules equipped with a touchpad will enhance desktop-like gaming experiences, especially when paired with Steam Input.
As of now, without pricing or more specifics, it’s tough to predict if the Ayaneo 3 will be a must-have purchase. The initial offerings appear very versatile and potentially budget-friendly for those opting for the Ryzen 7 8840U with a 7-inch LCD instead of an OLED—though the real value of this choice will come down to price, which remains unknown. However, it seems likely to compete with other high-end handheld devices expected next year, thanks largely to its unique emphasis on customizable, modular controls.