There’s no shortage of attempts by fans to merge different elements of one Fallout game into another within the franchise, but the latest project takes this idea to a new level. This time, the beloved Fallout: New Vegas is getting a makeover in a place where it surprisingly fits well—the world of The Sims 2. Introducing The Sims 2: New Vegas, an impressive fan-made remaster that showcases the creative wonders that happen when dedicated Fallout fans find a little extra time on their hands.
Baron Pulitzer, known in the gaming community as FalloutPropMaster, is leading this ambitious endeavor. During the day, Baron runs his own independent film production company, but by night, he delves into this passion project, documenting the journey on a dedicated subreddit. As spotted by TheGamer, it seems Pulitzer has been hard at work for about a week now, sharing his progress with eager followers.
“I got tired of waiting for a remastered version of Fallout: New Vegas,” he confessed in his introductory post. “My goal is to create a remaster that also lets us explore some of the cut content from the in-house beta phase of Fallout: New Vegas.”
The inspiration for this venture came when Pulitzer stumbled across some casino mods for the Sims 2, created by a user named ‘lilipad’ on ModTheSims. This discovery sparked the idea to recreate New Vegas in The Sims 2, despite having never modded this particular game before. With a background in modding Fallout 3 and New Vegas, he saw it as a perfect opportunity to learn something new.
Over the last week, Pulitzer has been dusting off tools from his past like Milkshape, FOMM, Blender, and Nifscope. Not only is this a nostalgic throwback for him, but it also provides a fresh way to spend his leisure hours.
So far, he’s made impressive strides, mapping out where the iconic buildings will be located in his Mojave Wasteland neighborhood, which will naturally include The Strip and Freeside. His recreation of Goodsprings’ Prospector Saloon is already taking shape—an essential starting point for any New Vegas project.
In terms of characters, he’s introduced some vibrant personalities. A couple of shots capture the enigmatic Vulpes Inculta, infamous for his Legion wolf hat, hanging out with a pair of ghouls and casually enjoying a game of kickball. Meanwhile, a household of companions can be seen bonding over shared tales where a certain courier manages to use them as bullet shields, all while escaping to inject stimpaks by the handful.
The latest highlight is a revamped user interface that gives The Sims 2 a classic Fallout feel—definitely a cool addition.
This project is one to watch, especially if you’re diving back into The Sims 2 via the Legacy Collection remaster. It just might awaken your desire for another escapade through the Mojave, this time as a cannibal aiming to feast on Mr. House, mistakenly earning a villainous reputation while reaching for a Caesar salad, and finally choosing the independent Vegas path to avoid awkward stares from the NCR.
In essence, it’s an intriguing blend of old and new—a digital nostalgia trip for fans across both gaming worlds.