Recently, if you’ve come across a peculiar bug in Destiny 2, there’s no need to be concerned. Bungie is intentionally leaving it alone.
One of the fascinating aspects that distinguishes video games from other forms of media is the presence of bugs and glitches. Sure, live theater can have its mishaps, but games have their unique quirks. Occasionally, minor glitches become so beloved that developers choose to keep them. Remember in Celeste, when players found they could dash through tiny openings between spikes? Developers even added a special animation to celebrate this maneuver. While Bungie isn’t incorporating flashy animations for Destiny 2’s latest bug, they are embracing it in their own way.
As players explored the game following the Heresy release, some noticed three exotic glaive weapons, namely the Edge of Intent, Edge of Concurrence, and Edge of Action, could be used across any class, defying the usual class-specific restrictions. Bungie revealed in a blog post that they’ve seen the community’s enthusiastic reaction to this bug.
Initially, Bungie was keen on fixing the issue, wanting to preserve the game’s distinct class features. The idea of seeing a Warlock or Hunter wield a mini-bubble or a Titan showcasing ninja-like moves felt a bit off. After some internal discussions, the team decided to let it be and acknowledged it as another instance of a bug transforming into a feature.
They did, however, caution that some animations might seem off with these unconventional combinations. Nevertheless, the team appreciates the interesting buildcrafting possibilities these class-based glaives introduce. Bungie will keep an eye on how these weapons perform across all three classes moving forward.
It’s worth noting that Bungie doesn’t plan to turn every odd bug into a permanent feature. This particular case simply felt right, so it’s best not to expect every curious glitch to remain, tempting as that hope might be.