Back in July, “Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable” made its debut in Early Access on the Quest platform, tantalizing players with a single mission (or ‘chapter’) and a selection of unlockable blades, hinting at more content to come. Fast forward a few months, and the developers over at UNIVRS have rolled out the ‘Complete Edition,’ now boasting four chapters in total.
When we first tried the game in July, it seemed more akin to a technology demo than a full-fledged game. It did offer a glimpse into the main gameplay mechanics but was confined to just that one chapter, with an endless wave mode that included the obligatory leaderboard.
With the Complete Edition now available, players in Part One can dive back into the action and play through chapters three and four, as well as the Epilogue. To top it off, you’ll face off against an Armored Titan boss, adding a new layer of excitement.
The Complete Edition also introduces co-op mode, marking the first time you’ll be able to team up with friends to tackle all the chapters together.
Alongside the full release, UNIVRS has hinted at an upcoming ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ set for January. This event, described as a “global challenge,” adds an enticing twist to keep players engaged. Plus, a free update is already slated for 2025, according to the official game site.
Initially, we described our hands-on experience as somewhat “rough,” but despite this, the game appears to have struck a chord with its audience. As of now, “Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable” proudly holds a commendable 4.5 out of 5 user rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who already purchased the Early Access version, Part 2 is available to download at no additional cost. Newcomers have the option to buy Part 1 standalone for $8, Part 2 for $12 (with Part 1 required), or both parts bundled together for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro, widening its accessibility to VR fans.