A delightful tale of dedication has recently taken the internet by storm, as a gaming grandma has become a viral sensation for playing LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues for over ten years. Initially released in 2009 on PC, PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii, this game was a sequel to LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures and was a notable entry from Traveller’s Tales that marked the series’ departure from the PS2 era.
Conforming to familiar LEGO gameplay mechanics set by its predecessors like LEGO Star Wars and the original Indiana Jones game, LEGO Indiana Jones 2 offers players a journey through levels inspired by the Indiana Jones films, packed with humorous slapstick renditions of popular scenes. Collectibles, smashable LEGO objects, and an expansive HUB world await explorers. Despite receiving a mixed reception upon release, one dedicated fan has continued to make it her game of choice for more than a decade, proving that reviews aren’t always the last word.
The heartwarming story caught fire with a TikTok video from the user jaxgibson, highlighting his grandmother’s impressive gaming devotion. The video, which quickly garnered over 118,000 likes, details how she originally bought the game to enjoy with her grandson but found such joy in it that she’s been playing ever since. Today, she’s accumulated a staggering 1.2 billion LEGO studs on the PlayStation 3 and counting, cementing her status as a dedicated gamer.
This viral story has sparked nearly a thousand comments, most urging jaxgibson to introduce his grandmother to other LEGO titles. Since LEGO Indiana Jones 2’s release, Traveller’s Tales has expanded its LEGO offerings with games based on Harry Potter, Marvel, and DC Comics, as well as LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean and LEGO Dimensions.
The most recent addition to the LEGO gaming universe, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, was launched in 2022. Fans welcomed the series’ return to its galactic roots, although technical hitches cast a shadow over its success. While Traveller’s Tales hasn’t revealed details about their next project, there are whispers about potential cancellations. Meanwhile, non-Traveller’s Tales designed LEGO games such as LEGO 2K Drive and LEGO Horizon Adventures have entered the market, but none have replicated the classic charm and widespread appeal of earlier games.
In the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, it’s stories like these that capture our hearts, reminding us that the joy of play knows no age limits and that sometimes, the simplest pleasures bring the greatest satisfaction.